SuperNova Style

SuperNova Vibes e-Newsletter

We humans are made of So much more than we've been told - Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and we are here on this beautiful planet for much greater things than those 'in charge' would ever have us believe.

This newsletter is aimed to offer you guidance, insight, support and inspiration along your spiritual evolution and path of awakening and self-empowerment.

In my newsletters I do my best to include:

1) updates on the currently energies in the collective consciousness,
2) Out-of-the-box thinking to support positive evolution for those that know there is something more than the mundane, systematic approach society has handed us,
3) how-to's for Self-Empowerment & Self-Evolution
4) and suggestions on navigating the waters of our current cosmic and human conditions.

You will also receive:

5) Updates on One-on-One services & Specials
6) Announcements & Updates on upcoming in-person & online Sound Events, Classes, Workshops, Retreats and Community Gatherings.

I Know walking this unique path can feel lonely,
so I am honored to walk this path along side of you and share perspectives, insights and hugs along the way. May we continue being the light that helps us find strength and upliftment for each other along the way if we ever feel lost.

Congratulations on showing up and taking the next step BEcoming the Creator of Your Reality.

See my website for current locations, travels and online offerings.

Blessings Abound,

Sarah Daigle aka SuperNova Sarah
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